Open Home, Closed Heart is LIVE

The book baby is out in the world! Reviews are rolling in, all four and five stars, people are downloading – it’s fair to say I’m thrilled with the response.

That means it’s also time to put it back up to full price – so if you want it at the $0.99 special, move quick! You’ve only got a couple of hours.







libby cole 4

“He’s infuriating. A backstabber wrapped up in pretty packaging. And I know better than to unwrap that present.”

From the moment Tess sees the new guy at work, she feels the pull towards him. But then he opens his mouth. And reveals himself as an arrogant jerk, intent on making her work life hell.

Avoiding Damian is the safest bet, but Tess has never been one to walk away from a fight. If he wants a war, he can have one. And he should be prepared to lose.

Because Tess built her real estate career to protect what’s left of her family. And no arrogant jerk is going to take it from her. No matter how good he looks in a suit.

Open Home, Closed Heart is a full-length standalone sequel to the Hawaiian Heartbreak trilogy. Intended for readers over 18 due to explicit sexual content.

Giveaways Are Happening!

You can win an eBook copy of my new release, Open Home, Closed Heart!


I’m running giveaways on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They’re super easy to enter – check them out here.

If you want a sure thing, I’m also running a special pre-order price. It’s currently 99c, but will go up on release day to $2.99. It’s up on Amazon already, and will be on all outlets soon. Check it out!

More Freebies!


It may be April 1st, but I promise I’m not fooling! I’ve teamed up with some fellow indie authors, and we’re offering 65 books for free, or 99 cents.

It’s all different genres, so of course romance, but also sci-fi, horror, etc. Jump over to to check them out.

Have fun 😉

A Shiny New Era



I’ve been loyal and faithful for a long time. But it’s time to have a chat with my significant other. I just don’t think I’m a one-store kind of woman.

My books have been going straight to Amazon so far. And I’ve loved working with the ‘Zon – still do, in fact. Their Select programme lets readers who pay a monthly fee treat my books like they’re in a library, checking them out for no further cost to them, while I get paid by pages read.

But. The price of the system is being exclusive to Amazon. So, while I love making books available for readers to try, I can’t ignore the readers who don’t use Kindle. It’s just not fair to them.

This was the first picture that came up for “open relationship”, and it’s being included purely for that glorious bucket hat.

So I’ve had a chat to Amazon about trying an open relationship. Now I’m flirting with iBooks, Kobo, and Nook. They’ve been very attentive so far, which I do like in a partner.

As of now, I can’t see me going back to exclusivity. So hello, Nook and iPad readers! It’s a delight to meet you, let’s hang out some time.


P.S. Bonus points to anyone who caught the Lion King reference in the title, and now has the song stuck in their head.


(Current book progress: 26,378 words into first draft)